rotenburg guitar festival

Guitar course en détail

How is the guitar week going exactly?

Rotenburg Guitar Festival: Masterclass und guitar lessons

Morning: After breakfast, there are individual lessons from 9:00 to 12:30 for all ages and abilities. In the Standard Program we offer 3 lessons during the week and in the Intensive Program advanced players can book 6 lessons (these places are limited). Information about our instructors this year. You can register here.
The choice of lecturer is free, you can even take up to 6 hours with one lecturer, provided he/she is not already fully booked. We therefore recommend that you choose at least two lecturers. Individual wishes will be taken considered as much as possible.


In the afternoon, the participants have the opportunity to make music together with others. We offer chamber music for 4 to 8 guitars in different levels of difficulty. The groups are supervised by instructors and prepared for the public or internal concert.

In the evening, we will work with all participants in the guitar orchestra on two demanding compositions and perform them. The voices will be sent in advance. As part of the International Summer Concerts, which form the highlight of the course week, the "Concert of the Participants and the Guitar Orchestra of the Rotenburg Guitar Week" is the crowning finale.

In between there are workshops, exhibitions, concerts...but you can also go for a walk in the beautiful woods around or go for a swim with some friends in the nearby "Bullensee", which has already been immortalized by a composition by Luis Molina ("Fantasia para la Dama del Lago Bullensee").

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